Preparing Your HVAC System To Go From Heating to Air Conditioning Season

As the warm Fairbury, Illinois summer approaches, it’s important to prepare your home for the transition from heating to cooling. A few smart steps will help you move seamlessly and efficiently from one home comfort HVAC system to the next.
Schedule Your Annual Air Conditioning Tune-Up
You should schedule a maintenance visit for your air conditioner once a year. The best time for this tune-up is in the early spring, just before you transition from heating to cooling. During this maintenance appointment, your trained HVAC technician will thoroughly inspect and clean your unit. If there are issues such as low coolant levels, loose electrical connections, or frayed belts, your technician repair them early, before you’re faced with an AC breakdown during the sweltering summer months.
Check the Air Filter
You’ll get the best efficiency from your air conditioner when the filter is well-maintained. You should change your air filter at least once every three months, when your heating and air conditioning systems are running. If you suffer from asthma and allergies or have a particularly dusty home, you may need to change your filter more often. Make sure you have a clean one in place before you turn on your air conditioning this year.
Adjust Your Thermostat Settings
For optimum energy efficiency, you should keep your home cooler in winter and warmer in summer. Change your thermostat settings to reflect this adjustment as you move from heating to cooling. Aim to keep your home as warm as you can comfortably manage to minimize your energy use in summer. If you have a smart thermostat, adjust it to keep the home five to eight degrees warmer at night and during the day when you’re away from home.
If you’re getting ready to move to air conditioning for the year, make sure you schedule the appropriate service visit. Learn more about how maintenance benefits your Fairbury, Pontiac, Gridley, Dwight, IL home’s HVAC system and give Popejoy Plumbing, Heating, Electric and Geothermal a call today.

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